getting started
Drop us an email by clicking on the yellow button, or phone 0418 382 330, telling us briefly what you want. We will get back to you usually same day, to start things rolling. After paying $200 deposit, (deducted from your next Invoice), we can get your design started.
Send any details you already have & fill in a Design Guidelines Form (click to the left), to help you create a great design. After an initial design or two, send us your comments for any changes, several times if needed, as we move to exactly what you want. Sizing samples available if required
The final design starts to emerge as your kit comes to life. Colours, logos & other features can be included, to ensure you are happy with the result. If you want more input, click left to download Design Templates & design away! Remember we are here to help whenever you need
It is time to approve the artwork and confirm what items you want to order. We will send an Invoice so you know exactly what it will all cost. Delivery is free anywhere and GST is included (beware if comparing prices, as it is often excluded in their small print)
On payment of the remaining 50% of your Invoice, we schedule your order for production with a delivery time within 4 weeks. Your final payment due just prior to delivery and once received, we arrange shipping to your preferred address
Now the fun part. On your bike and show it to the world. This is always the best part. Enjoy!